Guided by the truth and fullness of the Church’s teaching regarding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, the parishioners of Christ the King parish promote and defend the sanctity of all human life through education, pro-active support, and prayer.
In addition to our monthly prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood in Denver, we also host speakers during the year at CTK to educate the parish and particularly our youth on the Gospel of Life. Our parish has a Pro-Life Running group, LIFE Runners and participate in various races and fundraisers during the year. Your support with the Spring and Fall 40 Days of Life campaigns has been both humbling and encouraging. Blessed be God we have a courageous parish that defends Life!
We also encourage parishioners to take an active role in the political sphere and, guided by the Bishops, contact their representatives on life affirming policy.
Your continued support for our endeavors to preach the Gospel of Life is still needed and thank you in advance for this. For more information on the Respect Life group, please contact the Parish Office at 303-674-3155.