K-5 Faith Formation

“A FAMILY OF FAITH” Family Catechesis (K-5th grade)

Christ the King’s K-5 religious education program is based in family catechesis.  As promised at your child’s baptism, you are to be “the first and best teachers to your children in the ways of the Faith.”  To assist you in that role, Christ the King uses Sophia Institute’s  A Family of Faith, Catechesis for the Whole Family.  The vision for A Family of Faith is strong Catholic families in which children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of their Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.  Our goals of this program include:

  • To encourage and equip parents to fulfill their God-given duty and privilege of educating their children in the Catholic Faith
  • To support and nurture strong Catholic families who image the Blessed Trinity
  • To provide parents the opportunity for continued growth in the Faith
  • To build community and celebrate Catholic life together through common prayer, service to others, social activities, and liturgical celebrations

A Family of Faith (FOF) consists of two meetings per month:  a Parent Meeting and a Family Meeting. At the Parent Meeting, parents are presented the monthly topic, activities, and materials for the monthly focus. Prior to the Family Meeting, parents teach their children the Catholic Faith at home using the Parent’s Guide and Children’s Activity Book (provided by CTK). A Family of Faith is comprised of a four-year cycle of lessons (Year 1: The Profession of Faith; Year 2: The Sacraments; Year 3: Life in Christ; Year 4: Christian Prayer); families can join FOF at any year in the four-year cycle (you don’t have to start with Year 1). For the 2024-2025 year, we will be in Year 4, which teaches about Christian Prayer and why it is so essential for growing in relationship with God. For additional information on “A Family of Faith,” click HERE.

Families with children (K –5) are strongly encouraged to register and regularly attend the meetings.

  • If your child is receiving a sacrament, your family MUST be enrolled in and regularly attend the Family of Faith meetings.
  • If your child is in 4th or 5th grade, registration in Family of Faith includes Pathfinders.

QUESTIONS or FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact our DRE, Rosemarie Fearrin, at rfearrin@ctkevergreen.com or 303-674-5282.

PATHFINDERS (4th-5th Grade)

Building on and complementing the lessons and themes of A Family of Faith, Pathfinders offers 4th and 5th graders the opportunity to deepen their understanding and appreciation of their Catholic faith. while spending time and fellowship with their peers. Classes meet on Wednesday afternoons. Pathfinder students are strongly encouraged to also be participating in the A Family of Faith program. Registration in A Family of Faith includes Pathfinder registration.

QUESTIONS or FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Erin Doyle at edoyle@ctkevergreen.com or 303-674-3155.

To Register:

  1. Download and complete Registration Form below (hard copies also available throughout the church). Turn in to the RE Office.
  2. Payment can be made via check to RE office (payable to “Christ the King”) or with  bank account or credit card using the links below.
  3. If fees would cause a hardship for your family, we ask that you pay what you can afford. No family is ever turned away from CTK’s programs because of inability to pay. Please contact our DRE, Rosemarie Fearrin, at rfearrin@ctkevergreen.com or 303-674-5282.
  4. Your child(ren)’s registration is complete when the RE Office has received your minimum payment and your completed registration form.
K-5 Registration (2024-2025)

2024-2025 CALENDARS

Payment Links