
With the Restored Order of the Sacraments of Initiation, sacramental preparation for Confirmation occurs during third grade. During this year, third graders will also be preparing to receive their First Holy Communion.  Your family must be enrolled in the Family of Faith program and regularly attending its twice-monthly meetings. Additionally, children and one parent (or sponsor) must attend the Confirmation Sacramental Preparation Retreat.

If you have a child who is fourth grade or older and has not yet been confirmed, contact our DRE, Rosemarie Fearrin, at or 303.674.5282. Click on links below for more information.

Your child’s formation for Confirmation is based on your family’s active participation in the Catholic faith. Canon Law #793 states that the parents are the primary educators of their children’s faith. Receiving the sacrament of Confirmation is not just a cultural or traditional rite of passage that Catholics do just because they are Catholic. Rather, this sacrament is a powerful, grace-filled experience that provides us with the necessary spiritual energy to fuel our Christian pilgrimage on Earth. The sacrament impels us, through grace, to further our commitment to Christ. Your desire to prepare your child for the reception of this sacrament confirms you are committed to your Catholic faith.

Parents are highly encouraged to follow some basic guidelines to ensure their children are prepared; some helpful hints in making your child’s preparation more meaningful:

  • Attend Mass regularly
  • Pray and sing with the congregation
  • Receive Communion regularly
  • Discuss the weekly readings with your child
  • Discuss the Homily with your child after Mass
  • Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly
  • Model forgiveness at home
  • Model an active faith through community involvement and service
  • Learn about and model the fruits of the Spirit

The requirements for a successful completion of the Confirmation Sacramental Preparation program at Christ the King:

  • Third grade
  • Baptized in the Christian faith
  • Received the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Enrollment in and regular attendance in the Family of Faith program
  • Family of Faith discussions and activities at home, prior to Family Meeting
  • Mandatory attendance at the Confirmation Retreat (child, and parent or sponsor)

Classes are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 4:45-5:30pm, and are filled on a first come, first served basis. To enroll in the program, please complete a registration form, located throughout the church or downloadable at the link below:

Contact Rosemarie Fearrin, Director of Religious Education / 303.674.5282