Per Archdiocesan norms, couples need 8 months preparation. To have the ceremony take place at Christ the King, either the bride or groom must be a CTK member (or their parents), that is, they must reside within the boundaries of our parish. No wedding date may be set until after an initial interview.
Note also: a Catholic wedding takes place in the church. All weddings are subject to paying a damage deposit of $250.
The Holy Matrimony preparation course consists of the following:
- Initial meeting with pastor
- Completion of the FOCCUS Inventory
- Three to four meetings with a parish sponsor couple to review FOCCUS Inventory
- Attendance at Holy Matrimony Prep workshop at the Archdiocese of Denver
- Review of “Theology of the Body”
- Completion of Natural Family Planning Course
- Final planning meeting
Requests for weddings must be approved by the pastor before a date can be set. Contact the rectory office to inquiries about wedding dates and preparation for Holy Matrimony.
Visit the Archdiocese of Denver Matrimony page for general information, marriage convalidation information, or for marriage help.
Parishioners may also rent the parish hall for their wedding reception. For more information on facility rental, please click here.