The first Catholic presence in Evergreen was provided by Franciscan priests from St Elizabeth Parish in Denver who traveled up Bear Creek Canyon to offer Mass in Evergreen’s Episcopal chapel. Later, Monsignor John Moran of St. Joseph in Golden tended to the Evergreen faithful, establishing Christ the King mission in 1924.
Soon after, land was donated south of the Evergreen cemetery by George Cottrell. With help from other families, a rustic moss rock and log chapel was completed in 1935. The church, designed by John Monroe, was dedicated by Bishop Urban Vehr in April 1936. Christ the King continued as a mission church of St. Joseph’s until 1951. In that year, Father Joseph Bosch was appointed as the first resident pastor. The “new” parish at this time numbered 70 families.
To accommodate a resident pastor, the George Greer family donated and built the present rectory, the oldest building on the property. Soon after, other parishioners helped build the St. Jude roadside shrine and the outdoor altar dedicated to the Sorrowful Mother. Father Bosch was replaced by Father Donald McMahon in 1953. Under Father McMahon’s leadership, a rustic parish hall was built at a cost of $75,000. Designed by parishioner Frank “Wally” Kullman, the new parish hall was dedicated by Archbishop Vehr in 1956. The parish had grown to about 150 families.
Father McMahon served until 1964, when he was replaced by Father Leo Blach. In 1966, Father Blach purchased 17 acres of adjacent land to accommodate the needs of the growing parish. The first parish council, formed in 1968, decided to build a new church and education center, and construction started in 1970. On May 24, 1971, Archbishop James V. Casey blessed the new $317,000 church. The old stone church was razed and stones from the original chapel were used to construct the wall where the crucifix now hangs in the sanctuary.
Father Blach served until 1976, when he was replaced by Monsignor Robert Hoffman. The parish now numbered more than 500 households, and the pastor was given the increased responsibility of the mission church of St. Elizabeth in Buffalo Creek. In 1979, Our Lady of the Pines was added as a mission to Christ the King to serve Conifer. To reach his far-flung flock, Monsignor Hoffman experimented with monthly service in “little parishes” scattered around the foothills. Monsignor Hoffman was replaced in 1986 by Father Michael Gass.
Father John Murphy replaced Father Gass in 1987. Under Father Murphy’s leadership, the parish population reflected the tremendous growth and development happening in Evergreen. In 1993, Our Lady of the Pines-St Elizabeth was “broken off” as its own parish. Father Murphy left Christ the King in 1999 and was replaced by Father Christopher Renner. Under Father Renner’s and Pastoral Council’s leadership, CTK completed an expansion project in 2010, removing the beloved parish hall and adding 17,000 square feet of new space. The new $4.5 million Parish Center was dedicated by Archbishop Charles Chaput on October 10, 2010.
This brief history recalls only the bare facts about Christ the King, listing only who did what and when. It cannot do justice to all the hard work and love that God has inspired in our community which continues to the present day. The real history of Christ the King Church continues not so much in the story recited here, but in the daily lives we all live. As Christ the King approaches the hundred-year mark, the parish now numbers almost 800 families and looks forward to boldly going forth in the name of Christ, our Savior and King, making history for the next millennium.